Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2017 using SCCM

Scripted  Installation of Redistributable 2017 via SCCM package 

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2017 X64 X86 14.14.26429.4

Install Script (Powershell) 

$scriptpath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -replace $MyInvocation.MyCommand

$file1 = "vc_redist.x64.exe"
$arguments1 = '/install /passive /quiet /norestart'

$file2 = "vc_redist.x86.exe"
$arguments2 = '/install /passive /quiet /norestart'

Write-Host "Start Install of X64"
Start-Process -FilePath $file1 -ArgumentList $arguments1 -Wait

Write-Host "Start Install of X86"
Start-Process -FilePath $file2 -ArgumentList $arguments2 -Wait

Uninstall Script (Powershell) 

$scriptpath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -replace $MyInvocation.MyCommand

$file1 = "vc_redist.x64.exe"
$arguments1 = '/uninstall /passive /quiet /norestart'

$file2 = "vc_redist.x86.exe"
$arguments2 = '/uninstall /passive /quiet /norestart'

Write-Host "Start UnInstall of X64"
Start-Process -FilePath $file1 -ArgumentList $arguments1 -Wait

Write-Host "Start UnInstall of X86"
Start-Process -FilePath $file2 -ArgumentList $arguments2 -Wait

Detection Rule 


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